Pricing and Payment



Locate Tax Record

Obtain Comparables (3 Sold, 3 Active)

Overall Data Entry

Coamparable Photos Upload

Exterior Subject Photos Upload

Order Submission

24/7 Quality Control

Interior BPO


Locate Tax Record

Obtain Comparables (3 Sold, 3 Active)

Overall Data Entry

Comparable Photos Upload

Interior Subject Photos Upload

Order Submission

24/7 Quality Control

Data Entry


Overall Data Entry

Comparable Photos Upload

Exterior & Interior Subject Photos Upload

Order Submission

24/7 Quality Control


Cond. Report/Inspection


Assessing Property Condition and

Characteristics Overall Data Entry

Subject Photo upload Order Submission

24/7 Quality Control


Rush Report


Any order type with this add-on

is completed in 5 hours or less.

Rental Addendum


3.00 $ is added to Drive by/ Interior

orders with Rental Addendum.

Use of Public Record


Don’t have an MLS? We got it for you!

We can use Zillow/Trulia/Redfn with your approval.